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Everytime I go through the story of the Exodus in the Bible, I think the Israelites are complete idiots. I mean, come on people! God turned one of the most powerful people in Egypt onto you side to lead you in fighting, He plagued those fighting against you until they let you go (and very blatant plagues at that..I mean this stuff couldn't be explained by anything but God), He opened a sea for you walk across when they came after you AND as soon as you got across it closed up, and he provided mannah every single day for food. Every time they were ever in need, it was provided. No questions asked.

And they still have the nerve to doubt Him, to make their own gold idols to worship. They would even hide the Mannah they got for food everyday because they weren't sure if He would come through the next day. Did they seriously not get it by this point? That He has them completely? That He is going to do whatever it takes to make sure they are safe? 

"Gosh if I were them I would never do that."

Yeah..okay Julie.

My entire trip to Kenya was funded in abundance last year. My entire trip this year is again, funded in abundance (whoop whoop!). I have had enough for plane tickets and shots and pills both times! This whole year I have had a job that I love that has given me plenty of gas money for my car and any extra things that I want or need. Even beyond being financially taken care of, He has blessed me with so many friends that understand having passion for the Lord and blessed me with so many people that live and breath Christ for awesome fellowhship and to challenge me. Even in all of the bad things that have happened in my life, He has walked through it all with me. All of the trials, the hardships, the strugges, the pain..everything! I have always been taken care of!

As I have said before, in order to go on this trip this year, I am taking two years of high school in one. This requires teaching myself basically my entire senior year, including physics and precal (never really been much of a math or science person). Lately it has been really stressful, in that my deadline to get all these classes done is coming very fast. I've been finding myself at or past the point of tears so many times it seems lately because I am so frustrated and drained and I've even caught myself saying how I can't do it! 2 out of 3 finals I have taken I have literally walked out almost crying because I was so sure I failed.

Funny thing is, so may times when I think I failed, I get a good grade (it happens all the time). As of now I'm doing fine in all my classes. Even when I get not so good grades, there are good ones to balance it out. It has always worked out okay!

Who is doubting God now?
Why would He call me to do such a crazy thing if He wasn't going to come though?
Why would He provide all my financial needs than leave me to do the rest myself?
That is not who He is.
That is not the Great I Am that He promised to be.

It is so easy for me to forget who is in control here. It's not by any mistake that I am in this place (contrary to what lies Satan tries to tell me). He has called me to do this, and His provision is nothing short of marvelous. 

I serve a faithful God.

"If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since He did not even spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won't He also give us everything else?"
-Romans 8:31-32