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Te Amo Mas Que A Mi Vida.

Jesus really loves people. You hear it all the time, but I mean he like really loves them. Especially beggars. He has special place in his heart for them.

Yesterday 4 of my other teammates and I were walking to the hospital to do some more ministry (you should really read about those stories on some of the other blogs,  it's crazy stuff). We were so pumped because of all that had been going on there, but on the way we definitely had a divine appointment. We saw this frail, old lady sitting on the sidewalk begging for money, which isn't something super weird or anything. We pretty much see them everywhere we go in town. But nonetheless we sat on the sidewalk and prayed with her. She pointed at her extremely swollen wrist before we started and was telling us how it was broken and she was in much pain. So we did what Jesus would do, and prayed for it to be healed. Because in Heaven, there are no broken wrists, and Jesus told us to pray saying, “on earth as it is in Heaven”. After all, He said we could do greater things than he did right?

I'm not even exaggerating when I say we sat on this dirty Nicaraguan sidewalk looking like loco gringos laying hands over her wrist for 40 straight minutes.

and God was faithful.

I saw with my own eyes the swelling go down in her wrist and her fingers begin to move more and more. God mended her bones together! Jesus is so good.

However, the point of this blog isn't about the healing, or the cool things we can do having God's power inside us, it's about the love. That Jesus so loved this woman, that the rest of the world had forgotten for so many years, that in all His power and might, gave her a glimpse of how much he cares for her. 

When you focus less on seeing miracles and seeing big flashy things, and more on God's love, that is when you begin to see kingdom come. And that is when you begin to see lives changed.